Mexican Birth Certificate  

Available now, a certified copy of your birth certificate can be printed from the internet.

The copy must be printed on white letter size paper.

This copy is valid before any Mexican municipal, state or federal government agency or authority.

Attention! Fraudulent pages that offer birth certificates have been detected, verify that you are carrying out the

procedure on the official page, at the top of your browser you must observe the following link:


The following methods may be able to assist you in obtaining your Mexican Birth Certificate.


        1.  With your Unique Population Registry Code also known as (CURP)

CURP is used to individually register all people residing in Mexico, nationals and foreigners, as  well  as Mexicans and Mexicans residing in other countries.        


       2.  With your Personal information

Make sure you have the correct information of the following.


              – First and Middle name (names)

              – Last Name

              – Second Last Name

              – Birthday (date/month/year)

              – Gender    (woman/man)

              – State

              – Name of one of one of your parent names


Steps to follow to obtain your Mexican Birth Certificate with your Person Information

Click here to Start The Process